Stronger Together: 150 Years of Physician and Patient Advocacy

The Los Angeles County Medical Association entered its 150th year as cultural frustrations reached a boiling point in the country. This was the same year a global epidemic put the spotlight on widespread health iniquities that persisted in Los Angeles County, the state of California, and the nation. LACMA therefore approached its anniversary book through this lens, choosing to acknowledge its past and celebrate its progress.

Stronger Together: 150 Years of Physician and Patient Advocacy illustrates the commonalities, struggles, and achievements of LACMA and its physicians. It provides both context and contextual elements so that the wrongs of the past are not repeated, bridges are built, all viewpoints are shared and respected, and progress continues to be made.

The book covers many topics over the course of a century and a half of history, including the 1918 flu pandemic, racism in medicine, xenophobia, food insecurity, access to clean air, and the organization’s massive response to the COVID-19 pandemic. LACMA’s contribution to diversity includes the first African American female president, the first Asian American female president, and a strong focus on how diversity is embraced and celebrated.

Since 1871, LACMA has been at the forefront of medicine in LA County. It continues to resolve the healthcare challenges of today, as well as address the healthcare and healthcare delivery problems of tomorrow. LACMA continues to stand by its solemn duty to preserve and protect the noble pursuit of healthcare delivery for physicians.

To learn more about LACMA and preview the book, visit

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