Audiobooks & eBooks

Elevate your brand, engage your audience, & boost ROI.

In today’s dynamic business landscape, seizing the opportunity to leverage eBooks and audiobooks is not just a trend—it’s a strategic move that can supercharge your brand presence and maximize your return on investment. Imagine captivating your audience with a custom eBook that showcases your industry expertise, establishing your company as a go-to authority. Picture the impact of turning your content into immersive audiobooks, reaching consumers during their daily activities and fostering a deeper connection.

By embracing these digital formats, you’re not just adapting to the times; you’re propelling your business into the future of content consumption. Ready to take the leap? Let’s pair your visionary project with these cutting-edge offerings and transform your narrative into a powerful brand story!

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Audio Books

Audiobooks offer a unique avenue to connect with consumers by delivering your message during their daily routines and turning mundane moments into memorable engagements. By embracing this innovative medium, you’re not just modernizing, you’re shaping the future of how your brand is perceived.

Our top-tier audio experience includes:

  • A choice of self-narration by the author or professional voice talent
  • Optimized recording quality with coaching and instruction for author narrators
  • Auditions to select voice talent (if applicable)
  • Real-time remote production, direction, and recording in efficient online sessions
  • Edited and processed recordings for final author approval
  • Creation of engaging introductions with voiceovers and music
  • Designing an audiobook cover based on the existing print design
  • A variety of accessible formats, including the industry-standard MP3
  • Distributing your approved audiobook via ACS to top platforms including, Apple Music, and Amazon


 Whether you’re converting existing material or creating fresh content, our services guarantee top-notch quality and cost-effective delivery for your eBook.

Creating an eBook for the mobile market is swift, effortless, and budget-friendly with Jenkins Group’s extensive experience. We specialize in converting and developing content for Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad and iPhone, Nook, Sony eReader, smartphones, and various other mobile devices. Our expertise grants you the flexibility to present your book in multiple formats, reaching a broader audience than ever before.


  • Direct collaboration with our team for seamless eBook design and production
  • Ability to convert your existing books into a wide array of eBook formats
  • Efficiently creating new eBooks, saving time and costs for rapid market entry
  • Amplifying book sales and cut down on production expenses
  • Distributing your eBook across the most popular eBook retailers


Let's Chat

Take the first step towards realizing your publishing goals by contacting Jerry Jenkins, the experienced owner of Jenkins Group, boasting over 35 years of expertise in the publishing industry. 

Simply fill out the form and Jerry will promptly connect with you to discuss your project.
