The Independent Publisher How To Build and Promote You're Best-Selling Book By Jerrold R. Jenkins

How to be Truly Successful in the Book Publishing World

The Independent Publisher gives you comprehensive knowledge and tools to create not only a great book, but also a great business. Featuring proven publishing tactics, expert advice, and inspiring success stories, The Independent Publisher covers the dos and don'ts, from writing and production to sales.

If you are ready to get a leg up on the competition, avoid rookie mistakes, and expand the sales and reach of your book, then let The Independent Publisher be your place to start.

The Independent Publisher will show you how to:

  • Promote your book successfully
  • Price your book for the market
  • Discover how to get your book placed to get sold
  • Invest in professional talent and services to create the best product possible

The Independent Publisher is available through our online store HERE.

Ready to get serious about your book project?