Dishes for Different Seasons, Shapes, and Sizes

Champion of Food Network’s Chopped, Eric LeVine, has chosen Jenkins Group to assist in publishing his new cookbook, Burgers, Bowls and Jars: Season by Season with Chef Eric LeVineCustom Book Publishing: Burgers Bowls Jars Season by Season with Chef Eric LeVine. This unique cookbook pays tribute to fall, winter, spring, and summer seasonal palates, choosing the ingredients and flavors that fit each season. Chef Eric has been recognized by the James Beard Foundation for his creative take on American cuisine.

The cookbook’s foreword by Maneet Chauhan celebrates Chef Eric’s unique approach to the “melting pot”1 of flavors that Americans embrace. “Eric demystifies cooking in this book, presenting recipes that seem complicated but then are explained in a simple approachable way. He pays respect to the seasonality of food and takes classic favorites to an elevated level,”2  writes Chauhan. His cookbook is both brilliant and accessible, featuring personal stories relating to the foods of the seasons. 

Jenkins Group Inc. is pleased to assist LeVine with book publishing services.

1. Maneet Chauhan, “Foreword: Burgers, Bowls, and Jars, from the mind and kitchen of Chef Eric LeVine,” in Burgers, Bowls and Jars: Season by Season with Chef Eric LeVine by Eric LeVine (Dover: Epic Ideas, LLC, 2018), 11.

2. Ibid.

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